Post Archive: 101 - 111 of 167

Trained to recognize procrastination

02 Jul 2006

bot posing

A name was placed into an envelope

30 Jun 2006

bots on a switch

Six months of training

27 Jun 2006

bot on a switch

Some are not prone to empathy

26 Jun 2006

bots at window

Meteorology as test of will

25 Jun 2006

bot at window

Inevitable but unanticipated allusion

24 Jun 2006

bots in a standoff


23 Jun 2006

bot with drink

The merit of the old school bears serene representation

22 Jun 2006

old school bot

The idle summer quickly lends its wont

21 Jun 2006

bot with spraypaint

Nothing's going to touch you

20 Jun 2006

old bot