Post Archive: 81 - 91 of 167

Sleep is a gateway drug

27 Jul 2006

bots facing off

bots facing off

Complicated decision tree

26 Jul 2006

bots in a stare-down

The comfort of conventional wisdom

25 Jul 2006

bots in a discussion

Guardians of the analog hole

24 Jul 2006

bot stamps

Hard to find

19 Jul 2006

bot with flower

The key is locked inside a box that requires another key

18 Jul 2006

bots moving furniture

Leaving something

17 Jul 2006

bot in light

Waiting for her debug at the feldherrenhalle

16 Jul 2006

woman and bots

Original photograph by Caitlin Burke.

Sense of tourism

15 Jul 2006

bots on a stroll

Oblivious to fable

14 Jul 2006

bot with tool