Post Archive: 41 - 51 of 167

Building future bedwetters

02 Oct 2006

small bot

Clear communication channel

01 Oct 2006

bot demonstrating

In the end brute force was implemented

30 Sep 2006

bots in a forest


25 Sep 2006

three bots

DELETIA: Two links, each to an animated scene encoded in a now-obsolete multimedia file format.

Australian zombie bot

24 Sep 2006

zombie bot

Keep it well covered

23 Sep 2006

ghostly bot

Pixel maker

21 Sep 2006

found bot

Bots don't cry

19 Sep 2006

woman in front of poster

Original image from ninnx.

Webcam dialogue

18 Sep 2006

bot in webcam

Original webcam image from

Makers met

17 Sep 2006

bot and gravestone

Original photo by dreamattack.