Post Archive: 151 - 161 of 167

Whiteboard pathos

24 Apr 2006

illustration of two bots

Recruitment poster

23 Apr 2006

navy recruitment poster

Sure is one fancy robot

22 Apr 2006

delightful pink bot and swb

Assembled by Jammer and Hammer. Still one of my favorite birthday surprises.

Waiting for Mars Transit Authority

18 Apr 2006

bot on Mars rock

Vanity post

17 Apr 2006

posing bot

Long day at the office

16 Apr 2006

still from kaiju movie

They are digging in the wrong place

15 Apr 2006

still from action movie

robotbug-06 powerup

13 Apr 2006

render of robotbug-06

The short-lived robotbug-05

12 Apr 2006

render of robotbug 2005

Logo requirements

10 Apr 2006

render of bugbot