Post Archive: 91 - 101 of 167

Unsure of the proper honorific

13 Jul 2006

bot that looks like an android

A coarse shyness

12 Jul 2006

drawing of a bot

The primer's conclusion

10 Jul 2006

bots in sartori

And what the enlightened sees:

bots in sartori again

Self-authored presciption

09 Jul 2006

bots beneath a tree

Show up from nowhere and carry it home

08 Jul 2006

bot kneeling

Difficulty with translating profanity

07 Jul 2006

bot reaching

Unable to avoid raindrops

06 Jul 2006

bot posing

The addictive grey button

05 Jul 2006

bots in a discussion

Certain to be forgotten immediately

04 Jul 2006

bots in a discussion

It is admittedly a nagging concern

03 Jul 2006

bot bent over